The strength of a network marketing business is the ability for it to attract customers to purchase its product or service. And it doesn’t come easy. But as a business owner, it is vital for you to look for ways to generate new business leads.
But the problem most online businesses face is the challenge of connecting with new targeted customers daily. However, to turn your prospective customers into real customers, you are going to first need leads.
In order to quickly generate leads for your network marketing business online. Review our list below and see where you can take additional steps to improve your online offer.
If you can find a way to continuously fill your network marketing business sales funnel with leads, then you can turn your online network marketing business into a huge success.
Here are some fantastic ways to generate leads online for your network marketing business at no cost.
7 Ideas To Generate Leads For Your Network Marketing Business Online
1. Check your ‘about us’ page again
Your company’s ‘about us’ page says a lot about your company’s prospect and your client’s response. But most people neglect this fact.
Your about us page could have headings like “who we are, what we do,” or ‘meet our team.”
However, these details should gear to generating leads.

But if you have poorly written, not informative, and confused about page, then you have to change it. By rewriting it, you are increasing the rate of your lead generation. You can rewrite your about page by:
- Adding direct propositions that are factual
- Truncate your contents in shorter digestible forms.
- End with an irresistible call to action
- Add captivating images
With this idea, you will soon start amassing leads.
2. Create Email Listing
Having an email listing is another way of generating leads. After visiting your site, you can suggest that your visitors sign up for your emails or newsletters. However, before asking them to sign up, you have to be ready to offer something relevant to them. You could offer some free and useful services like an idea, support or even a suggestion.
By engaging them, they may come to know the importance of your service and become real customers. For instance, if your online network company deals with wellness products, then your free service could be about, the best for your products or kits.
It will make you relate more and in turn, allow your prospective clients to know what you do. In fact, your email should be able to make your audience understand what they are missing if they have not started using your product yet.
3. Create a Product Video
Most people are attracted to videos more than they do to written words. Videos that give a detailed explanation of product or service can generate as much as 34% leads — however, the type of video matters. In lead generation, the videos don’t have to be difficult to understand or expensive, as long as it is well edited and serves its purpose. With Animoto, you can get a good video even as an amateur.
4. Use LinkedIn Publishing Platform
LinkedIn has over 460 million users worldwide. That’s a lot of leads to start with. LinkedIn will soon become more saturated with people like other platforms- Facebook, Twitter, etc. which makes it easier for business owners to grab users attention and generate leads.
That’s not all, Comparing LinkedIn to how you can convert leads goes beyond that of Facebook and Twitter. Its growth is starting to go beyond other social media competition in lead generation.
So, you can start writing engaging and informative articles that will not just sell your business details but can bring people to purchasing your products. And start posting them on your LinkedIn profile. Besides, you won’t have to pay any funds, so what are you waiting for? Start generating those network marketing leads on LinkedIn.
5. Start using Quora
This is another way to showcase your company’s strength. Quora is an online public questions and answers platform that has gained more awareness over the years.
It is a perfect place for you to introduce your business to your targeted leads and attract your prospective customer with your informative and persuasive knowledge. All you have to do is open an account with Quora and join in the conversation of your interest.
This platform gives the chance to create a profile and allows you to link it back to your website or landing page, making it easy for you to be traced by interested clients. It makes asking questions easy as clients get to see if questions or solutions given interests them. They also have a text search to help you search your target questions and join in that same conversation fast and easy.
6. Give little Options
Giving a customer a little of the whole package is like saying, ” I want to see you soon.” Few options make the customer think about your product, and they are more likely to make committed decisions and go for the product. Other than engaging their mind with doubts which may result in them leaving your page.
In case of an advert, provide a compelling, clear cut action that will insight a corresponding call to action, instead of giving an unending list of intangible choices. In the end, you may be able to pull out about 27% of the people to acquire your product.
7. Use social media referrals programs
Writing posts that are directly informing people to purchase your goods will not produce a positive response. But as a wise person, you can use media platforms to promote your company’s product, generate leads and even get referrals.
For instance, if your company markets weight-loss products, you can post pictures of before and after on sites like Instagram or Facebook. If your company sells cosmetics, then you may consider posting a face make up video tutorial on YouTube.
Besides, posting on these sites is free.
While doing this, you can also ask for a referral. By asking feedback from clients, after posting a write-up or video, to share their experience about what they have learned. You can start asking for referrals as well. This is also an excellent method to develop a better relationship with your client. Besides, who wouldn’t want to refer people to what they enjoy using?
In Closing
Getting started in network marketing can be a challenge. Especially when you are struggling to recruit new people into your network marketing business. That’s why we put together the best network marketing tips and put them in one location for you to check out for free!
Check out our free online training center and see how you can quickly grow your network marketing business online.