How to Start a Blog and Make Money Online

Have you ever wondered why so many people are investing time, money, and effort to create their own blogs?

While it originally started out as a way to share your knowledge and expertise with others, blogging quickly became a money making technique.

Do you want to know how to start a blog and make money online? Then you have come to the right place!

This post will walk you through the steps you need to follow to set up your own blog.


Steps to Start Your Own Blog

Here are some steps that you need to follow to start a blog. While they may seem complex if you are new to the digital world, you will find them pretty simple once you get started.

  • Choose your blogging platform – while there are many blogging platforms available, WordPress is the most popular and widely used, and for good reasons:

It is easier to set up

WordPress is free to use (you just have to buy the domain and server)


It is secure

Designing, customizing, upgrading, and maintaining a WordPress blog is very easy due to the countless designers, developers, and tool providers.

  • Buy a domain name and hosting account – check out Wealthy Affiliates to choose from millions of domains and get the best service at an unbelievably low cost.
  • Configure and design the blog
  • Unleash your inner creative genius and start creating useful content

How to Monetize Your Blog?

Before you can start making money from your blog, you need to have a decent amount of consistent traffic. Attracting people and building readership takes time, but it’s worth the benefits you will get in the

The only tried and tested method to attract and retain blog traffic is to write high-quality content regularly. You need to maintain an active blog in order to make sure that your readers (no matter how many you have) keep coming back.

Once you have a decent number of followers, you can consider monetizing your blog. While there are many ways to do this, following are some of the easiest, proven and lucrative ones:

  • Advertising

Advertising is not only a great way to make money online, but it is also very simple. All you have to do is sign up for Google’s AdSense program and add the code you will receive to your blog. After that, the process is pretty much automatic.

Advertisers will bid for the space on your blog, and the ads that Google choose will appear on your blog.

Basically, you will earn money just by sharing some space on your blog.

  • Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is also a form of advertising, but what makes it different is that it requires you to actively promote someone else’s products or services to your followers by creating different types of content around it. Whenever a purchase is made through the link on your blog or website, you will earn a commission.

For effective affiliate marketing, choose a niche and only promote high-quality products.

Attempting to promote very product may seem profitable at first, but it always affects your performance and credibility in the long run.

Wealthy Affiliate is a wonderful platform specifically designed for affiliate marketers. Whether you have just entered the field or already have a successful career. Wealthy affiliate definitely has something to offer to everyone.

Inside Wealthy Affiliate, there are a number of online entrepreneur certification courses available to guide you through every step of your digital marketing adventure.

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