Affiliate Bots Review Image

The Best Affiliate Bots Review Online

Affiliate Bots Review

In the post, I will walk you through ClickBank’s Affiliate Bot. Can you make money off it? Is it legit or a total waste of time and money?

If you go to the sales page of the product, you will see the title:

How I’m making $6,457/week affiliate commissions, right now, November 2018, with my Affiliate Bots.

A video follows that tells you how he makes the bots work for him.

The price tag is $17, which is cheap.

What is Affiliate Bots?

Affiliate Bots is actually a piece of software, there are three layers:

  1. The first layer helps you find out the top-selling products on ClickBank, JVZOO, and WarriorPlus. These are the products that are making the most money and have the biggest EPCs.
  2. The second layer of the bot is a video marketing software that will allow you to make videos and upload them to YouTube.
  3. The third layer is a video ranking software that is supposed to rank your videos in short periods of time so that you can generate tons of traffic.

Sounds great? In theory, yes!

Problem Areas

There are a couple of problems with Affiliate Bots.

1. Confusing

You get 17 software bots in the package, and newbies are bound to get confused. If you have 17 of anything, you are going to get confused, especially if you are a beginner. The simpler your business model is, the better your results will be.

2. Youtube Videos

The software that they give you to upload YouTube videos and rank them is basic, and there is a lot you need to do in order to actually see results. YouTube marketing takes time, and there is no software that you can use to magically see your videos on top in the search results. They give you bots but don’t explain the mechanics behind how YouTube marketing actually works.

3. People Are Sophisticated

If these strategies were being implemented back in 2008, this could have worked. Back then, people were okay buying from a faceless website. But in today’s world, people have become sophisticated and don’t just give you money for a product that claims to make you so much money right off the bat. They are skeptical and eye everything online as if it is a scam.

4. Little to No ROI

For a sales page like this, even if you drive a massive amount of traffic, people are hardly going to buy it. Remember that some traffic will require you to spend money out your own pocket. Since the price is reasonable as well, your return on investment is going to be too small.

Final Say

Yes, AI is making huge progress by the day, but there is no such thing as automating your business purely on bots. At least not yet. You have to learn a lot of things and implement them to find out what works and what doesn’t. You have to learn the fundamentals of why people buy online. You need to know how to build trust and establish a relationship with your target audience.

Without them, you are just not going to go far. Online business is real, but it takes time. No magic will happen overnight.

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